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​关于2021 House League 比赛变更通知如下:

1. 联赛报名截止日期延迟到九月12日晚上,欢迎各位继续报名。
2. 联赛各级别报名条件放宽如下
Each team is formed by 3 or more players, and only 3 players can play every night. Temporary sub is not allowed. 

DIV 1: Combined rating of the 3 players should be 6000 or less. Every player should be rated 1200 or more. A player under 13 may enter based on referee’s approval; 


DIV 2: Combined rating of the 3 players should be 4600 or less. Every player should be rated 2000 or less;
DIV 3: Combined rating of the 3 players should be 3600 or less. Every player should be rated 1200 or less; 


DIV 4: Combined rating of the 3 players should be 2000 or less. Every player should be rated 700 or less.

And higher division accepts applications that meet one level low formation



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